Vice-President of Trauma Society

Professor Steve Moeng

Vice-President of Trauma Society

Professor Steve Moeng is the Director of Trauma Surgery at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Hospital, and Chairman and Academic Head of Trauma at WITS. He has both national and international academic activities, with a keen interest in Critical Care. He is the previous Chairman of ATLSÒ Gauteng, current Chairman of DSTCÔ in RSA, and current Vice President of the TSSA.

  • Subspecialist Trauma Surgeon
  • Metropolitan Head of Trauma, Pietermaritzburg
  • ATLS and DSTC instructor
  • Regional Chair: ATLS KwaZulu Natal
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery: University of KwaZulu Natal and University of Auckland
  • Trauma Program Director: Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS)