Executive Member of Trauma Society

Professor Heleen van Aswegen

Executive Member of Trauma Society

Professor Heleen van Aswegen is Associate-Professor in Physiotherapy at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. She teaches cardiopulmonary physiotherapy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She graduated with PhD at Wits University (2008) for a thesis titled ‘The effect of penetrating trunk trauma and mechanical ventilation on the recovery of adult survivors after hospital discharge’. Her research interest is cardiopulmonary physiotherapy especially in the fields of critical care and trauma. She has published more than 45 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is editor of a book titled ‘Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy in Trauma: An Evidence-based Approach’, published in 2015 by Imperial College Press.

  • Subspecialist Trauma Surgeon
  • Metropolitan Head of Trauma, Pietermaritzburg
  • ATLS and DSTC instructor
  • Regional Chair: ATLS KwaZulu Natal
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery: University of KwaZulu Natal and University of Auckland
  • Trauma Program Director: Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS)