Secretary of Trauma Society

Amanda Klette

Secretary of Trauma Society

Amanda Klette entered nursing in 1984 and ten years later, as she graduated top of her class in Trauma and Emergency Nursing, realized that she had “found her passion within her profession”. She has since then managed several emergency departments, During her career she grew wings (Aviation Healthcare Provider) and enjoyed opportunities to travel around Africa and the world as a Flight Nurse. Currently she holds the position of Trauma Program Manager and Regional Trauma Coordinator for Netcare. She is a certified H-MIMMS instructor, TNCC instructor, currently part of the executive committee of the Trauma Society of South Africa, co-author of several injury prevention booklets and regular guest speaker as an expert in trauma program management, injury prevention and performance improvement.

  • Subspecialist Trauma Surgeon
  • Metropolitan Head of Trauma, Pietermaritzburg
  • ATLS and DSTC instructor
  • Regional Chair: ATLS KwaZulu Natal
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery: University of KwaZulu Natal and University of Auckland
  • Trauma Program Director: Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS)